Chanakya Arthshashtra
Death is an inevitable part of life and has been the subject of investigation and fascination since ancient times. In the ancient Indian text, the Arthashastra, written by Kautilya/Chanakya (3rd Century CE), the concept of death investigation is explored in detail. The principles of criminal investigation is written in Chapter 7 (अध्याय:7) of the Fourth volume (अधिकरणम्:4) of the Arthashastra.
Kautilya believed in the strict enforcement of law and order in society. According to him, a ruler has the responsibility to provide security and justice to the people under his rule. In the Arthashastra, he emphasizes the importance of justice and punishment as means to maintain law and order in society.
One of the duties of the king, according to Kautilya, is to investigate any suspicious death and bring the perpetrators to justice. He states that the death of an individual should not go uninvestigated and that it is the responsibility of the ruler to uncover the truth and punish the guilty. Kautilya also believed in the fair and impartial nature of investigation. He states that the investigation process should be thorough, and evidence should be gathered from multiple sources to ensure a fair trial. He also believed that false accusations and torture should not be used to obtain a confession.
Bruise Examination
तैल-अभ्यक्तं आशु-मृतकं परीक्षेत ।। ०४.७.०१ ।।
Oil was to be smeared on the victim’s bruises in order to adequately analyze them.
Killing by Suffocation
निष्कीर्ण-मूत्र-पुरीषं वात-पूर्ण-कोष्ठ-त्वक्कं शून-पाद-पाणिमान्मीलित-अक्षं सव्यञ्जन-कण्ठं पीटन-निरुद्ध-उच्छ्वास-हतं विद्यात् ।। ०४.७.०२ ।।
It is possible to assume that a person was killed by suffocation and breathing suppression if their corpse was covered in mucus and urine, had air-inflated organs, swollen hands and legs, wide eyes, and ligature marks on the neck.
Killing by Hanging
तं एव संकुचित-बाहु-सक्थिं उद्बन्ध-हतं विद्यात् ।। ०४.७.०३ ।।
Any person who has contracted thighs and arms may be assumed to have died by hanging.
शून-पाणि-पाद-उदरं अपगत-अक्षं उद्वृत्त-नाभिं अवरोपितं विद्यात् ।। ०४.७.०४ ।।
Any deceased individual whose hands, legs, and belly are bloated, along with their eyes, navel, and stomach, may be assumed to have died by hanging.
Killing by Drowning
निस्तब्ध-गुद-अक्षं संदष्ट-जिह्वं आध्मात-उदरं उदक-हतं विद्यात् ।। ०४.७.०५ ।।
Any deceased individual whose rectum and eyes are rigid, whose tongue is bitten between his or her teeth, and whose belly is bulging may be assumed to have drowned.
Killing by Assault
शोणित-अनुसिक्तं भग्न-भिन्न-गात्रं काष्ठैरश्मभिर्वा हतं विद्यात् ।। ०४.७.०६ ।।
The one who is drenched in blood and has broken body parts should understand that he has been beaten with sticks.
सम्भग्न-स्फुटित-गात्रं अवक्षिप्तं विद्यात् ।। ०४.७.०७ ।।
One whose body is torn at various places should understand that he has been killed by falling from the top of a building etc.
Killing by Poison
श्याव-पाणि-पाद-दन्त-नखं शिथिल-मांस-रोम-चर्माणं फेन-उपदिग्ध-मुखं विष-हतं विद्यात् ।। ०४.७.०८ ।।
Any deceased individual whose hands, legs, teeth, and nails are dark in color, who has loose skin, hair that has fallen out, diminished flesh, and a face covered in foam and saliva may be assumed to have been poisoned.
विक्षिप्त-वस्त्र-गात्रं अतिवन्त-विरिक्तं मदन-योग-हतं विद्यात् ।। ०४.७.१० ।।
The one who has scattered his clothes and body here and there, and who had a lot of vomiting and diarrhea must have been killed by intoxicating drugs like Dhatura etc.
विष-हतस्य भोजन-शेषं वयोभिः परीक्षेत ।। ०४.७.१२ ।।
Take out the remaining food from the stomach of a person who died due to poison and get it tested through Rasa etc. (chemical Examination).
हृदयादुद्धृत्याग्नौ प्रक्षिप्तं चिटिचिटायद्-इन्द्र-धनुर्-वर्णं वा विष-युक्तं विद्यात् । दग्धस्य हृदयं अदग्धं दृष्ट्वा वा ।। ०४.७.१३ ।।
If entire food is digested in the stomach, cut a part of the heart and put it in the fire. If a sound of burning comes out from it and flame appears greenish blue like Indra’s bow, then it should be considered poisonous.